We're on a mission to provide easy to access, up to date reports and analytics for all C-Suite and Board Members of your CAH.

Problem statement

Today, CAHs do not have updated information regarding the healthcare providers and services in their surrounding areas, such as the of clinics, their specialization, operational hours, online ratings, etc.
Such Information even if present, is typically partial or old (>60 days). With this critical information being required across the board, it leaves the hospital and its operations compromised.

CURrent methods being employed

CAHs today have to rely on multiple sources of information and then stitch them together to get a holistic sense of what's happening. Information from cooperative hospital networks, online web searches, information from vendors, etc to. Even these are not always complete, and not updated regularly. Commercially available databases only cover information on hospitals and not clinics or independant practitioners.

our solution

We aim to provide a single source of truth for all your situation awareness needs, which incorporates all key information about healthcare services and providers in a 50-mile radius from your CAH. We will not only provide basic information, but also insights based on online reviews such as occupancy rates, operational hours, ratings avg, etc.

Our reports will also update themselves at a time interval of your choosing, so rest assured you are always in the company of the latest info.

Our Team

Meet our Team

Currently, we're two of us. And Chocos.

Mukunth Krishnasagar

Director, Head - Data & Analytics

Our Data and Analytics guy. Previously a lead engineer at a $100M New York Based Company.

Chetan Rao

Director, Head - Growth

Our growth guy. Previously a Director of sales at a $100M New York Based Company.


Chief Fun Officer

Our Chief Fun Officer who is very serious about fun

Your trusted CAH situation awareness partner

© 2024 Maverick Innovations, INC. All Rights Reserved.

Your trusted CAH situation awareness partner

© 2024 Maverick Innovations, INC. All Rights Reserved.

Your trusted CAH situation awareness partner

© 2024 Maverick Innovations, INC. All Rights Reserved.